Care of Daphnia
Blue Spruce Biological Supply

DaphniaDaphnia can adapt to cool or warm temperatures, but sudden shifts from one extreme to the other will kill them. On arrival, daphnia should be allowed to
gradually warm or cool to room temperature. Remove jar lids so that they can be exposed to fresh oxygen. If you are keeping the culture for more than a few days, transfer to a larger container and add fresh bottled spring water.

Algae may be added to the water. It will serve as food and also help to oxygenate the water. A solution of a half packet of baking yeast in one liter of water can be used as food. Dissolving a hard boiled egg yolk in a liter of water and letting it stand for three days until bacteria grows creates another food source.

There will be a white sediment that forms on the bottom of the container. This will contain eggs that should hatch in a few weeks. The water should not need
to be changed unless it becomes turbid. Keep the daphnia at room temperature, out of direct sunlight.

Note: When introducing Daphnia into the culture chamber you will be housing them in, do not "pour" daphnia through the air. Pour them into the chamber
under water. Air will become trapped beneath the carapace of each animal and they will rise to the water's surface and die.